30 Days of Anime Challenge, Action, Anime, Comedy, Sports

30 Days of Anime Challenge (Post 21)

Hi minna; it’s Ryuji Tatsuya with another post of the ‘30 Days of Anime Challenge.’ After much strain, I finally got time to post this and since I have nothing else to say right now, LET’S GET RIGHT INTO IT!!

Favourite Goofy Anime Character:

So today’s post is about the best goofy anime character. In almost all anime series out there, there has to be at least one goofy character to apply comical relief. Now from all those characters, it’s actually a little hard to pick one (And it gets even harder when you don’t like them K) But still I finally was able to select two. Who that might be? Let’s see.

Image result for matsuda death note funny

The first one in the list is Matsuda from ‘Death Note’. The reason I chose him, even though his role wasn’t that big, is because of his certain scenes. He was successful in portraying a novice idiot of the task force who is really eager to prove his worth but all he is asked to do is either make tea or coffee or become Misa’s manager. His role was even more clarified in a special episode ‘Matsuda’ where he was shown screwing up but his common sense and some wit was also displayed. A true goofy character is someone who slacks off or releases the tension of the series but has a main role as a key element of the story; Matsuda seems to do the trick in the ending (Which I won’t be talking about because spoilers)

Image result for kise ryouta

Secondly, we have Kise Ryouta from ‘Kuroko no Basuke’ (I just don’t understand why most of the goofy characters are blonde). The thing with Kise is that he completes the criteria of a good goofy character which I mentioned before; Relaxing role most of the time……… Serious af when needed. He is usually shown as someone who is friendly, a little proud about his looks and skills and with a happen of adding –cchi with names. But to be honest, he was able to blow off my mind in his first game and made us think that if he is the weakest of them all, then how strong the others are. In the third season, he was able to give a tough fight to Serin and that match was my second favourite KnB match of the series (God that was a good match).

And with that I will be ending my first post for tonight. Be sure to tell me who is a good goofy character according to you, in the comments below. Thanks for reading!

5 thoughts on “30 Days of Anime Challenge (Post 21)”

  1. Yeah! Kise is swag! Especially that match with Aomine? AWESOME!
    Otherwise, I honestly cant think of goofy characters I like….

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